Thursday, April 22, 2010

Just bought a .com - watch this space and Zahia Dehar

Well just bought a .com and what a mission this is gonna be. FTP. Thought it meant FRONT PAGE something something. Will be busy over the next couple of days learning about coding. Exciting web times ahead.

On another note. Zahia Dehar has come to world headlines as the named underage prostitute Frank Ribery has been accused of sleeping with. hes now 18 so I can post her pic on my site. Damn shes hot and a fellow Piscean.

What made me smile is that if you facebook her name. 18 accounts come up. One of which links to her blog. Which is just an excuse for a guy on the net to reep in my money on his Zahia Dehar blogspot account. Love it. Wonders of the internet age.

So guys please be patient as I work on rehauling everything.


Christian :)